Kissanime is the website for watching online anime series. This site contains a great collection of anime movies and series. Episode vice and season vice anime content are uploaded on a regular basis to this website. All the stuff available on this website is of HD quality. Not only the original version but the subbed and dubbed version is also available on this website. It’s on you whether you like to watch its original version or you are interested in watching its subbed or dubbed version. Another best site about this site is that ads do not interrupt while watching your stuff online and also you don’t have to register yourself for watching online series. You can also download your favorite anime series from this website.
But sometimes while watching, the video may interrupt by errors. It’s been heard, due to some issues this website is blocked completely from some parts of the world. If this website is also not available in your country or is blocked then you should know some other sites like Kissanime who also offer online anime series and anime movies.
Is the kiss anime site down?
For some time, a lot of issues related to watching online anime series are coming. Most people claim that the kiss anime website is not available in their region or is fully down in their area. It is because due to some copyright issues, the ISP’s of their country blocked this website completely so, it’s right to say that this website is down from the internet.
If Kissanime is also down in your area and you are looking for some alternative website then you can choose anyone from this list.
1 – Anime land
If the Kissanime website is not available or is blocked in your country and you are looking for sites like Kissanime then you have to try Anime land. This site contains a huge collection of anime series. The latest anime series and newly added anime are listed on their home page. The dubbed version is also available. The best part is that you don’t need any registration before watching your favorite anime on this website. All stuff available on this website is of full HD quality.
2 – 9Anime
9Anime is the most popular anime website these days. Anime of different genre are available on this website. The newest, latest, and ongoing series all are uploaded from time to time on this website. The daily schedule list is also available on this website. One good side about this site is that you can also request anime series and anime movies to upload if you cannot find your stuff on the site. The homepage of this website is beautifully designed. They don’t ask you for your personal information like credit card numbers and some more. If you are looking for some similar sites like Kissanime then you have to try this one. The search option is also available which helps you to find entertaining stuff more easily.
3 – Anime karma
Trending movies, TV shows, and anime episodes are listed separately on this website. Season-wise episodes are uploaded on this website. This is the top anime site like Kissanime for watching online anime series and movies. This site contains a user-friendly interface. One more feature is that they can also upload a list of top-rated animes. If Kissanime is not working and you have to go for some other then you can try this one.

4 – Anilinkz
Anilinkz site has featured the same as the Kissanime site. Anime of different genres like horror, thriller, romance, comedy, war and so more are available on this website. This site contains the most attractive front page. Anime episodes are uploaded with a subbed and dubbed version on this website. They can also upload the latest manga episodes. It is the most similar site to Kissanime. No registration is required. All the stuff available on this website is full HD.
5 – Anime Planet
Anime planet has a beautifully designed homepage. This website is launched in 2001 and from that time the number of viewers are increasing day by day. The reason behind their popularity is that they can upload a list of popular anime series every week. If you are finding the best alternative to this site then you have to try this one. All stuff uploaded on this website is legal. Anime of all genre are available on this website. If you are searching for an anime site that uploads anime content frequently on their homepage then you have to try this one.
6 – GoGoAnime
GoGoAnime’s website is designed for anime lovers. If the Kissanime site is no more available in your country and you are in search of sites like Kissanime then you have to try this one. This site contains a huge collection of recently released anime and ongoing anime series. You can also request to upload your favorite anime series. Subbed and dubbed version is also available on this website. So you can say that this is a similar site to Kissanime.
Kissanime is the best site for watching online anime material. But if this site is unreachable in your country and you are looking for sites like Kissanime then you can try anyone from these given websites. Their features are almost similar and all the entertaining stuff available on this website is of HD quality.