Earring boxes can be made in creative styles and colour schemes to give such an alluring luxury packaging that will tempt the target audience and force them to buy.
Folding cases with foam:
Jewels are regarded as one of the lavish items because of their higher price as compared to other products luxury packaging. They are mostly golden or silver in their color and are used on formal as well as informal occasions to cast a positive and classy display of personality. In the case of earrings, their containers are mostly made up of cardboard because they are extraordinarily sturdy and durable in their nature. But, in order to improve the graph of sales, it is the need of the hour to modify these cardboard earring boxes in such a manner that buyers are inspired by them, and nothing would stop them from purchasing them. They can be altered in the form of a folding case of a small size. It is because earrings are typically smaller in size, and thus, their encasements must also be appropriate in dimension. The use of cardboard prevents any damage or harm from the external environment. But they would still be exposed to certain threats from the inner side. These harms can be eliminated by using foam and making certain depressions in it. The jewels are placed in these depressions, and the packing will become safe and intact.
Classical black containers:
Even in this age of bright and energetic colours, the use of black shade is regarded as a symbol of the classical approach. Fortunately, the custom earring boxes can be shaped into any desired color theme according to the will and desire of clients by using high tech printing technologies. Typically, plastic or metal is used to formulate such encasements. It is because both these substances have smooth and plain surfaces that reflect light, and thus, a lustre look is given to the cases. These types of coverings are instrumental in grabbing the attention of all types of individuals, especially those who have the sober and moderate temperament. In this way, they will be persuaded to make a purchase.
Slider cases:
The advent of modern technologies has removed all types of restrictions, and all imaginable designs and styles are within reach of the manufacturers. The earring packaging boxes can easily be transformed into any style, as well. For example, they can be given the form of a slider case. These types of coverings are composed of two layers that are placed above the other in a horizontal manner. The products are placed in the lower layer, while the upper layer acts as a cover. It can be pushed towards either side to get the item out of the encasement. This design is extremely facilitative and safe and can be placed in handbags as well. These types of containers can be made more beautiful and luxury by attaching a colourful ribbon to the lower part. In this way, the ribbon is pulled to obtain products. Because of the immense loveliness of these types of containers, they are readily bought by individuals for their personal usage as well as for the presentation of gifts.
Tent shape covering:
In spite of the fact that cardboard is mostly utilized in the formation of encasements for jewels and can easily be obtained from numerous manufacturers in the form of earring boxes bulk, certain other substances can also be utilized for their fabrication. For example, Kraft and paper board can also be put to use. These lightweight materials can be employed to create unique styles like tent shape coverings. These cases resemble in their shape to a tent, and jewels are hung inside them with the help of hooks or pins. This style is extremely easy to assemble in a short span of time, and that is why they prove to be extremely cheap earring boxes luxury packaging. All that is required is to mould the paper in a special manner and to fix them with staple pins.
Shoulder Encasements:
In the case of expensive items like earrings, there is a need for such encasements that are protective in their nature and lovely in their appearance. This productive combination can be obtained by using such earring boxes that are modified in the form of a shoulder covering. These coverings are extremely sturdy, and their beauty can be enhanced by adding a window and also by the application of colour schemes. When buyers saw such elicit designs, they will be extremely delightful to buy them.